Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Repost of Rein Chapter 1

There was some problems regarding the voices in Chapter 1, so I have edited it and re-posted it. I hope you find it easier to follow now. 

Chapter 1
The Quake

Rein watched from a cliff as a great red dragon blew fire everywhere on the town below. Houses burned, people screamed. Why was the dragon doing this?
He breathed a deep breath, the air seemed thin somehow, and very dry compared to the air he was used to.
Then he heard a voice from above him, it was so loud it seemed as though the clouds themselves spoke,

After these things the great beast will destroy the place where your heads rest, and where your cattle graze. Where your sons live, and where your fathers lie in their graves. It will all be destroyed. Do not follow the great beast as many will seeking for hope, though they will not find any, but stay in my words. Leave your homes, and go to the place I will show you

After what things? He wondered, and what was this strange thing in the sky. Somewhere in the back of his head, he recognized the voice. It was a very strange feeling, but Rein couldn’t identify it.

So he shouted, “Who are you?”

I am an enemy of the great beast who is destroying this city.

The voice soothed him. It was strangely comforting.

“If this is your enemy why do you not take action against it?”

The time will come when the beast will be gone from here forever. He will be sent to the Pit, where only the people he has deceived will go with him. Abide in me, Rein, and you will live with me forever in Paradise.

Rein stood high on a large cliff. About five hundred feet below him was a long lake, so long he could not see where it ended, so long it could have been a river, except for the fact the water was not flowing anywhere. Many people were jumping in the water. Maybe for a swim.
Suddenly the clouds seemed to fall on him. They continued down until they surrounded him like a mist.

I see you met the enemy. Said another voice different then the first. Not by the sound itself, but the 
feeling of it. Not that voices normally had feeling, but this one has much more feeling than it did sound itself. He could not see what the voice came from since the mist that had enveloped the world around him though.

“The voice from the clouds?” Rein answered this voice, trembling.

If that is what you call it, then yes, the voice from the clouds. He speaks lies to his victims, trying to lure them into believing his words.

“He seemed kind enough,” Rein told him.

That is his evil deception, and I see you are already being lured to it. Trust me, I have seen many people fall to him. It is devastating in the end.

“How do I know that you aren’t trying to do the same?”

I am sorry, I have to go now.

“How do I know who is right and who is wrong!?” he said, overwhelmed with the situation.

Trust me Rein. Trust me. I will not lead you astray. The first voice whispered to him. Trust me.

“How do I? I don’t know who is right and who is wrong. Help me,” Rein cried to the voice, “What is your name?”

“El-Rohi, and before your fathers were, I AM.”

Rein woke suddenly. It had been a dream. But the dream had seemed real, too real. It was as if he was there; and the weirder part was, it seemed oddly familiar somehow. He hated this feeling, he tried to think, but he could not find the thought he needed.
Rein got up out of his wide bed. Then he walked out of his room, he yawned and stretched his arms out. He breathed the fresh wet air around him, unlike the thin and dry air in his dream.
He walked through the hallway, doors beside him. He continued down a steep stairwell and into the kitchen. Where his mother was.

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