Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Repost of Rein Chapter 1

There was some problems regarding the voices in Chapter 1, so I have edited it and re-posted it. I hope you find it easier to follow now. 

Chapter 1
The Quake

Rein watched from a cliff as a great red dragon blew fire everywhere on the town below. Houses burned, people screamed. Why was the dragon doing this?
He breathed a deep breath, the air seemed thin somehow, and very dry compared to the air he was used to.
Then he heard a voice from above him, it was so loud it seemed as though the clouds themselves spoke,

After these things the great beast will destroy the place where your heads rest, and where your cattle graze. Where your sons live, and where your fathers lie in their graves. It will all be destroyed. Do not follow the great beast as many will seeking for hope, though they will not find any, but stay in my words. Leave your homes, and go to the place I will show you

After what things? He wondered, and what was this strange thing in the sky. Somewhere in the back of his head, he recognized the voice. It was a very strange feeling, but Rein couldn’t identify it.

So he shouted, “Who are you?”

I am an enemy of the great beast who is destroying this city.

The voice soothed him. It was strangely comforting.

“If this is your enemy why do you not take action against it?”

The time will come when the beast will be gone from here forever. He will be sent to the Pit, where only the people he has deceived will go with him. Abide in me, Rein, and you will live with me forever in Paradise.

Rein stood high on a large cliff. About five hundred feet below him was a long lake, so long he could not see where it ended, so long it could have been a river, except for the fact the water was not flowing anywhere. Many people were jumping in the water. Maybe for a swim.
Suddenly the clouds seemed to fall on him. They continued down until they surrounded him like a mist.

I see you met the enemy. Said another voice different then the first. Not by the sound itself, but the 
feeling of it. Not that voices normally had feeling, but this one has much more feeling than it did sound itself. He could not see what the voice came from since the mist that had enveloped the world around him though.

“The voice from the clouds?” Rein answered this voice, trembling.

If that is what you call it, then yes, the voice from the clouds. He speaks lies to his victims, trying to lure them into believing his words.

“He seemed kind enough,” Rein told him.

That is his evil deception, and I see you are already being lured to it. Trust me, I have seen many people fall to him. It is devastating in the end.

“How do I know that you aren’t trying to do the same?”

I am sorry, I have to go now.

“How do I know who is right and who is wrong!?” he said, overwhelmed with the situation.

Trust me Rein. Trust me. I will not lead you astray. The first voice whispered to him. Trust me.

“How do I? I don’t know who is right and who is wrong. Help me,” Rein cried to the voice, “What is your name?”

“El-Rohi, and before your fathers were, I AM.”

Rein woke suddenly. It had been a dream. But the dream had seemed real, too real. It was as if he was there; and the weirder part was, it seemed oddly familiar somehow. He hated this feeling, he tried to think, but he could not find the thought he needed.
Rein got up out of his wide bed. Then he walked out of his room, he yawned and stretched his arms out. He breathed the fresh wet air around him, unlike the thin and dry air in his dream.
He walked through the hallway, doors beside him. He continued down a steep stairwell and into the kitchen. Where his mother was.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Rein Chapter 3

Chapter 3
The New Tutor

“Hello Mother!” Rein said to the woman standing, face away from him, at the counter. She was probably preparing food for the daily Grouping. As always.
“Hello Rein, I am just making food for the Grouping. As you might have noticed,” she kept up her work without looking away for even a moment.
“Yes, I did notice Mother,” Rein said to her.
“Go to the learning hall now, you don’t want to be late,” Mother said.
“Okay Mother,” Rein told her, “Bye!”
“Bye Son, see you at the Grouping,” she replied, still preoccupied with her work.
Rein grabbed a book off of the table. Then he rushed through a door marked Learning Hall.
Through the black wooden door was a large room. The room was completely gray. There was a switch on the wall by the door he had just entered. Rein pulled it. Instantly afterward the entire room changed. The grey room turned into a long grass meadow with hills as far as he could see. Then a man appeared. He was dressed in a long red cloak and also had red hair. Rein did not recognize this man. He expected his tutor. A tall lean man with back hair. Not this red head.
“Hello? Why isn’t my normal teacher here?” Rein asked the man.
“It is okay son; I am your new tutor. The other one had to be replaced. I have heard you are excelling in arithmetic. Good job. Now we start with our lesson.”
“Sure, but sir, can you introduce yourself to me?” Rein said.
“But of course I can,” the man agreed with a smile, “I am Lenard. Now on with the lesson.”
“Yes Lenard,” Rein obeyed.

“That is it now. Okay Rein. Shut down the holographic room now. Good bye,” waved Lenard after the long lesson consisting of Language Arts, Art, and his favorite, Arithmetic.
“Yes sir,” Rein obeyed. He was sad to have to leave his new teacher so soon. Even though it had been a few hours, they seemed like minutes to Rein.
He walked over to a tree behind him and pulled a branch down on the tree behind him. In a split-second, the beautiful fields and trees changed back the grey room right on front of his eyes.
Who was this new teacher?

It worked, he was in. Lukas would now gather the things he needed, and then leave. He only wanted to stay two weeks at max. Any more could be dangerous. Of course, the technology had decreased a bit since the Quake, but they still have some high end security.
He walked the streets of this underwater city, Shalohim. Soon to be destroyed. By the great Dark One, RokshaFa. The one who would finally end the schemes of the man named Gazilleon. Or as the Great Dark One called him, the cursed Gazilleon.
But why did his master have to kill everyone. Innocent lives. No, as RokshaFa had said before, “Innocence is the lamb for the slaughter.” Everyone, man woman, adult or child. They all would die.
“All for the Great Dragon’s will,” he whispered, “All for his will.”

James ran as fast as he could. He had to warn his master. Otherwise He would die. Along with everyone else in the world.
He knew RokshaFa was up to something. Master Gazilleon would not listen when he told him. Hopefully he would listen now, since this was a r
eal threat, not just an assumption. If Master Gazilleon did not listen, they were all doomed, but if he did listen, there might be a possibility of survival.
James ran even faster. He had to get there on time. Had to. As his life depended on it, because it did depend on it.
He heard something rustling in the seaweed beside the road to his left. Probably nothing. He kept running until the tall wall came into sight. When he saw it he ran all the more. He could not keep this up much longer. So he slowed to a walk. He had time didn’t he?
The rustling returned. Louder this time. Hopefully it was nothing. Hopefully.
A man dressed in black garments jumped out of the seaweed. He held a rife.
“I am sorry slave. You know way too much,” the man said with and deep voice. He aimed the long rifle at James and increased pressure on the trigger.


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Rein Chapter 2

Chapter 2
The Beginning of the End

“The world is in your hands now, oh great Dark One,” said Lukas, bowing towards the man dressed in black sitting in an equally black kingly chair. RokshaFa. Lukas had no idea why his master was so obsessed in the darkness of black. Or why he had some strange rituals that he did to worship his master, whose name was not to be spoken in his presence.
“It is not as secure as you may think!” the Dark One said, “Gazilleon still exists. When he dies I will not have any risks of losing all I have gained from the last years.”
“What do I do about it, great Dark One?” he inquired, now trembling in his bow.
“Find him you idiot! Bring me him dead,” he yelled. Then he said softly grinding his silver teeth, “If you manage to survive yourself, that is.”
“I will bring him back Dark One, I swear,” Lukas pleaded.
“No you will not! If you think like that you will die in the effort,” he shot at him sharply. The noise was so loud and sharp it pierced his eardrum until it almost cracked. Lukas winced a little, but not too much, it would be terrible if the great Dark One noticed.
“I have come up with a plan,” the man dressed in the shade of black continued, “Ever since all the inhabitants of this world tried to drown themselves a whole thirty years ago because of the Quake, but they were rescued by the cursed El-Rohi and now the people still live. The water is inhalable now, but I can reverse His effect, everyone will drown. Unlike thirty years ago, they will die, along with Gazilleon. With this plan we do not even need to find the cursed man.”
“But-” Lukas blurted out. He immediately regretted it as he spoke.
“No argument!” he said with his ear-piercing scream again.
“Yes, yes oh great Dark One. I won’t argue,” Lukas trembled uncontrollably.
“But I need you for my plan,” he continued telling Lukas, “For my plan to succeed I need to find out how to decay the water until it becomes normal again, and for that I need samples of the water from the deepest part of the ocean.”
“Yes, but how much do you need to get a good idea of what you need to counteract the water, or should I say, air?”
“One hundred gallons from the main city. It will be trickier than you think, it is like air, not water anymore.”
“So I am supposed to-” Lukas paused, he did not want to regret saying anything offensive to his unforgiving master, maybe he should have stayed with ShabbaFa, at least he was a bit more gracious.
“Yes master Dark One, RokshaFa. I will get one hundred gallons of air from the bottom of the ocean.
“Good, you will pretend to be a stranger in the main city of the men underwater, Shalohim.”
“Yes sir Dark One, I will do so,” he acknowledged.
Lukas stood up and walked out of the room, through the wide oak doors and out towards the world outside. This was the beginning of the ending of the city called Shalohim.